Tuesday, November 1, 2011

They Make Me Laugh

Today, in reference to the jar of candy corn on my desk, one of my little friends said,

"Mrs. Snaps, I don't like candy corns. I was born without them."

...oh, bless his heart he's such a mess but he's adorable. :)

November 1st

Happy birthday month to my sweet hubby! :)  Today, I'm thankful to celebrate with him this year as his wife! :) ...17 days and counting!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fall Love

wow! time flies when you're having fun! I can hardly believe fall is in 4 short days! This has been the sweetest Summer of my life! I'm excited to recount the memories and reminisce but that'll be another post for another day! :)

My sweet man brought home a mum about a week ago and I've been itching to decorate. So, this Saturday I had a little extra time and a some inspiration from Pinterest (guilty pleasure...ugh!) so I decided to decorate. I didn't go elaborate but just hints of Fall here and there. I just love it! :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Help Me Remember

Help me remember, dear Lord, that you are always faithful. Help me remember that you are all-knowing and that I don't always have to understand to be able to trust you.

Our God is faithful and His ways are perfect. I know that to be true regardless of where He takes me in this life. Over the last few months my sweet husband and I have been praying daily that I would be able to find a job. Joshua so patiently allowed me to stay home while I searched for a job in an elementary school. (Contrary to popular belief- these are pretty difficult to come by.) We prayed and applied all Summer and towards the end it continued to look dubious. The first day of school came...and went. I gave up hope of a classroom of my own- and that was ok. Truly, God gave peace that this just wasn't the right timing for me to be leading a classroom. However, it was genuinely the desire of my heart to serve in the school system, somehow. I applied for several aide jobs but nothing materialized, until last week.

On Monday, I was on my way to the grocery store when my phone rang. It was the receptionist at a local elementary school asking if I was available for an interview the next day. Before she could finish I (unprofessionally) responded with an emphatic YES! I couldn't believe it! After months of praying, a phone call comes and tears just stream. Thank you, dear Father, for providing. Joshua and I prayed that the interview would go well and that no matter the outcome we would continue to praise Him. The next day I had the interview and sitting across from 3 administrators I poured out my heart to serve diligently at their fine school. Of course, you always second guess your responses or questions after the interview but overall I really felt like it went well. All three administrators were so positive. (and we survived an earthquake- none of us noticed) I was told that I'd hear something by Friday. Joyfully, I left and headed out to run errands feeling confident and blessed. Wednesday and Thursday came pretty easily because I knew I wasn't going to hear anything until Friday. Then, Friday morning came. I think I sat staring at my phone for most of the day. The morning came and went. No phone call. I talked with Joshua at lunch and he encouraged me that it would come. The afternoon came...and went. No phone call. I didn't understand. Could the interview have been that bad and I didn't realize it? Discouraged I resigned myself to the fact that it just didn't work out. I begged God to help me. I wanted so deeply to trust Him without fear or questions, but my heart was weak and confused. I prayed constantly, please, dear Lord, help me. Help my faith to increase. Help me to praise you no matter what. I enjoyed a sweet weekend around my precious family. I praise God continually for them. They are such an encouragement. On Monday, my sweet man encouraged me to keep my phone by me incase I got a call. (Begrudgingly) I agreed- I really didn't expect to hear anything and I didn't want to get my hopes up. Then, standing in the cereal aisle during my weekly trip to the grocery store I got THE phone call. I heard those precious words: "we have recommended you for the job." If you know me, imagine me trying to contain my elation in a grocery store. I cheerfully smiled at lunch snacks and spagetti sauce as I finished up my shopping. I floated through the store so excited and praising my faithful God!

I made the most precious little apple cake to celebrate and decided to wait for Joshua to get home to tell him. (that took serious will-power) He is just as excited as I am. We praised God together for His gracious provision! Then, I got to joyfully spread the news to my family and friends who faithfully prayed beside me for God's best.

Help me, dear Lord, to remember this season and your faithfulness through it. Truly, You are good.

Monday, August 29, 2011

5:15pm Celebrating!

Memorization Monday

Ok, so how did you do last week? I hope Hebrews 4:12 was an encouragement to your soul! Praise God for His word and it's power!

Recently, God has put on my heart to remember that I am not my own. As I go through my days here at home and when I have opportunities to serve outside I want to remember this passage. To keep last week's verse fresh try to go over it once or twice this week to keep it firm in your mind.

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."
1 Corinithians 6:19-20

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

trust that is greater

This isn't my own illustration but I read it this morning and thought it so very appropriate for today,

Standing on the stairs a little girl asks, "will you catch me, daddy?" He answers, "yes, I will!" She may jump or she may proceed to ask endless versions of her first question. If she does jump, it will be more because of whom she knows her father to be than because of his answer to one of her questions. The fact that she jumps does not mean that she has run out of fears or questions; it means that her trust is greater than her fears or questions.

This Summer I've had a grand time visiting with family and discovering the corner of South Carolina I now call home. It has been wonderful! I've also spent the Summer praying with my sweet family for a job. I was a teacher in North Carolina and absolutely loved it. It is my heart's desire to be in a school. At times it seemed bleak and while my faith waned at times my hope was rest assured on my God and His perfect provision. Yesterday, I got two phone calls for potential jobs (both of which were in the education realm.) Today, I have the opportunity to interview for a teaching assistant position in a local school. I would love it. I'm praying for my God to continue to guide me and to help my feeble heart to respond in a way that honors Him regardless of the outcome. He is good and His provision is always perfect-more often than not it's more than sufficient.